
2014 | research by design | in collaboration with Alessandro Fonte
activated at: BIO50, 24th Design Biennial of Ljubljana, 2014 (nanotourism)
exhibited at: Eindhoven Design Week, 2018; Vienna Design Week, 2018; Milano Design Week, Palazzo Clerici, 2015;
awarded at: BIO50 - 24th Biennial of Design of Ljubljana as part of nanotourism with  The Best Collaboration Award (exhibition’s highest honour)
(jury: Saša J. Maechtig, Alice Rawsthorn, Konstantin Grcic).

BIO50}hotel was a temporary exhibition hotel established at MAO - Museum of Architecture and Design of Ljubljana director Matevž Čelik - during BIO50, 24th Biennial of Design curated by Jan Boelen.
As a part of the research theme nanotourism mentored by Tina Gregorič and Aljoša Dekleva, BIO50}hotel critically challenged the tourism connected to BIO50, actively interfering with its curatorial approach.

Guests were hosted in the museum free of charge, in exchange they activated site-specific projects, exhibitions, workshops, lectures and public presentations. BIO50}hotel challenged the museum as an underused cultural infrastructure.

Rather than consumers or passive spectators guests were actively implementing the contents interacting with the biennial program and instigating alternative uses during its usual closure.

In the course of the exhibition period, BIO50}hotel hosted a broad variety of foreign and local participants: artists, architects, craftsmen, curators, designers, professors,
researchers, scriptwriters, sound composers, students who contributed to the cultural discussion inaugurated with BIO50.

official blog

was free of charge.
The reservation was linked to the available dates and the submission of an application form asking:
> general informations: check-in/check-out, contact, profession
> contribution to BIO50}hotel: what
> motivation for participating: why
> background of the guest: about you

was welcomed by Silvia and Alessandro which accompanied the guests through the exhibition spaces and consigned:
> the envelope containing the agreement letter to be signed, the museum map, the accommodation guidelines, the instructions for documentation, some useful numbers
> the keys of the museum
> the goodnight pack containing duvet, pillow, bed linen

at the museum was self-organised. 
The all exhibition space at M.A.O. was at full disposal of the guests for sleeping as well as for the contribution.
The definition of the accommodation space was free and self-arranged by the guests who could use any exhibited items. Guests’ contribution was curated and organised in
collaboration with Silvia, Alessandro and occasionally with the support of the museum.

was managed by Alessandro or Silvia main responsible for the check-out process

18/09 > 07/12

artists,  architects, craftsmen, curators, designers, professors, researchers, scriptwriters, sound composers, students.

Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Slovenia, United Kingdom

Nanotourist from the future  (Studio Superfluo + Sustainable making)*
Nanotourist diary (Ana Lasić) *
Room no.206 (Stefan Alber) *
arthub@BIO50}hotel ( *
Borders and Boundaries (Maureen Bachaus + Jeton Muja)*
Untitled (Wendelin Auer) *
Memoria #1 (Gianluca Panareo) *

Objects - Memory and Addiction (Giovanni Viceconte)*
Happy Hen (Nuovo Luxor)
The Process Is The Product (Lanificio Leo)*
Incorpo (Sponge Artecontemporanea)

Nanotouristic adventures in MAO *
Shuffle (Matthew Collings, Ben Landau)
Everibody needs a castle (Nuovo Luxor) *

Creative citizenship (Francesaca Iovino) *
Borders and Boundaries (Maureen Bachaus + Jeton Muja)

Emilio Leo + Gianluca Seta
Memotour (Eva Mair + Johannes Pointl)
Lungomare (Daniele Lupo)
Cromopolis (Sara Sossi)
Digital Museum Spaces (Paolo Borin)
Wendelin Auer

* original production for BIO50}hotel